Thursday, November 12, 2009

Prayer Request

I just want to ask you to lift several things up to the Father.

If you remember a few weeks I put up a post about two guys I am doing some discipleship with. Well one of the guys just found this week that his dad has passed away. So I ask that you be lifting Zakele up this weekend as he goes home to bury his father and be with his family.
I also ask that you lift this coming Saturday Nov. 14th up. This is the end of the school year soccer tournament for the 4 teams that I have been coaching and teaching this past few months.
1) Pray for safety for the kids as they play.
2) Pray for parents to show up and watch so we can share the Word with them.
3) Pray for clear skies. Currently 40% chance of thunderstorms.
4) Pray for all the the last minute details and preparations to fall into place.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Zach! It's great to see how God is using you in South Africa. We will be praying for you & your work there. Hope the soccer tournament is a huge success!
    Blessings, Aunt Jane
