Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I just wanted to share with you two friends of mine that I am enjoying the opportunity to do some discipleship with every tuesday in Soweto. Please pray for them that they will continue to grow in their relationship with God. It is exciting to see their growth and I hope they continue to seek His will. There names are Petzi, and Zakele. Below are a several pictures of them after our discipleship time in their homes this past tuesday.

Petzi & I


Zakele & I


Friday, October 23, 2009

About Time

Hello, everybody!! Hope everything is well. Yes, I know its hard to believe but I do have a blog now so that you can hopefully follow what is going on with me here in South Africa. I realize it's about six months late but better late than never. So here are a few pics from the last few months. By no means is this going to cover or catch you up on the last six months but oh well. I will try to keep you updated as much as possible from here on out. Enjoy the pics.

Some much needed guave ice refreshment after
a hot afternoons worth of soccer practice for me
& girls club for Amber and Rachel.

Bossman (Alan Locke), Rachel, Amber, & I before
we go to a Kaizer Chiefs soccer game.

Youth Day in Lehae!

Visiting a witch doctor in Zambia back in May.