Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
While here in South Africa I have been truly
blessed to be able to work along side and
become great friends with some amazing
people. I would like to share with you a little
about two young men specifically that I really
enjoy very much. I don't know what I would do
without them. They are absolutely amazing
young men of God. There names are Given
Mokoena and Philani Mjijwa.
Given is the first national that I really met and
got to know when I arrived here. He is 20 years
old and just finished high school. Given is an
excellent translator for me and his spiritual gift
is without a doubt evangelism. Given goes
along with me to Bible studies, Church in
Dobsonville, and visitations for evangelism.
He helps with translating for sure but sometimes
will lead Bible studies and preach also.
Philani is a young man of 23 years old.
I met Philani a year ago last month. Philani is
a former semi pro soccer player. Obviously he is
an excellent player and a testimony of how
God changed his life and showed him how there
was more to life than drugs and soccer. Philani
helps me coach and translate at the 4 different
schools that I work with in Soweto. His soccer
skills, translating ability, and testimony fit
perfectly and help out so much with my soccer
ministry. He is an example that the boys we
coach can really look up to.
I am reminded daily how blessed I am to have
them alongside me to help me with ministry.
More importantly though I truly cherish there
friendship which means the world to me. I will
miss them very much come next April when
I leave to go back to the US. Please be praying
for them to continue to walk and grow with God
daily. I see God is using them daily and He will
continue to use them mightily in the years to
come here in South Africa.
Given and I at a world cup soccer game.
Philani & I preparing to watch
the first game of the World Cup.